31 jul 2012
olympics. elections. kids going hungry. i sincerely spend a goodly amount of time considering what i should write here, and a portion of the aforementioned time is spent in loathing fits of burning shame over not tackling Big Issues. i ponder - if i were a more profound pontificator, perhaps folks would tarry here a spell. but then i consider the amount of coverage the Big Issues already receive -- by folks much more skilled than i (and with more time on their hands) and by folks much less skilled than i (but still with a measure more time on their hands), and i decide what the world needs is a goodly dose of Small Issues.
post-it notes. do you prefer the sort with lines or without? i prefer unlined and have a penchant for the neon brites. at the office i get my post-its via specifically designed desktop dispensing device. at home i generally use lame leftover logo-imprinted promotional post-its (if i use any at all).
how do you feel about flavoured teas? i feel that of both the hot and cold varietals there exist on the market a marked overabundance. who needs that much tea? grey was good enough for the earl, it's good enough for you!
how old were you when you learned to drive? i was old, like 14 or somesuch. never drove a go kart or dune buggy or golf cart or lawn mower -- went straight from bicycle to car. the first car i drove was a chevy station wagon and i drove it precisely one time before it was relegated to the junk heap. the first car i wrecked was a toyota corolla and i drove it many more times than one, but i did manage to relegate it to the junk heap, also. let's see... chevy station wagon, toyota corolla, chevy chevette (diesel), VW rabbit pickup (diesel), jeep CJ5, hyundai SL, nissan 200sx, jeep grand cherokee, chevy astro, ford windstar, ford econoline, honda civic, nissan frontier. looks like not counting rentals i've driven 13 vehicles. is that right? oh, the harley, yeah. can't forget the harley.