09 July 2012

9 jul 2012

you know what would be cool? having a vending machine in the house. load it up with... oh, i don't know... starburst and fig newtons? that would be cool. i seriously have no idea why that would be cool. maybe because that's not the normal sort of thing you'd have in a house? not that i need more things in the house. what i need is fewer things in the house... oooo!! i've got it! throw all this crap out and then -- you know what would be cool? it would be, like, some ginormous pillows around and a television (with built-in DVD) hanging on the wall, a billion books all piled everywhere, and a vending machine. oh -- and one of those slanty tables like artists sit at (used to sit at, maybe, like before computers?) stocked with paper and a bunch of sharpies there in one of those plastic chinese-food-carton looking things and some coloured pencils in a big old coffee cup and taped to the table would be this drawing i am working on because i would draw some, you know, and take a break and then come back to it later because it's a big project and it's going to take some time. i'm pretty busy with that project, so it's a good thing the vendo is well-loaded with figgies and sweets.


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