24 July 2012

24 jul 2012

last place i saw it was either the desk or the dresser, but i looked both places and it wasn't in either place. then i thought maybe i took it to work, so i looked all around there at work and didn't find it. i was distraught. i wanted to have it and was sad to have lost it for its own sake, but i was pissed that i thought i knew where it was and went there and it wasn't there. even if it's something i don't even really want, if i go to find it and it's not there, i can get a little crazy looking for it. know what i mean? it's like - i went right there - boom - and looked - boom - and it was not there. did it vanish into thin air? where was it?? where??? wheeerrrreee????

i explained all this to him. he asked a couple follow-up questions, then went in the bedroom and returned with it in his hand. hey, what?! is he a magician?? hahaha. no. he had moved it to complete the housecleaning. it's not magic if you know where it is.


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