23 February 2013

post the forty-third, 2013

today's run was 18 miles. something about 18 miles sounds really, really far. obviously it's shorter than a marathon, and later training runs will be 20 miles, which is obviously longer than 18, but still. something about 18 miles sounds daunting. i was actually concerned about being bored - before i left this morning, i thought about how i might get bored out there. the waiter at dinner tonight has been running for about a year, so he was asking me about how that is, running 18 miles, and don't you get... bored? i was like, odd you should ask, because i was actually concerned about that this morning, but no, i don't get bored. i said, some people use music, and that's what waiter-boy said, that he uses music. i said, i don't, but i see how you could. and i do. i see how you could use music or even podcasts or audiobooks. maybe it would make the time pass differently, but i don't know... it just doesn't seem right somehow. i mean, i am running as an outlet from LIFE. why would i want an outlet from running?


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