22 February 2013

post the forty-second, 2013

i've taken to driving around with the radio off. i tried music. i tried talk. i even tried pandora comedy channels. nothing satisfies. there's something soothing about driving around, listening to the car purr and hum and click, the rhythm and the beat of it - it's like the car's alive, too.

between my interstate exit and the one four miles up, there are two other interchanges. so, that's four interchanges in four miles. sort of crowds things up. there are on ramps, off ramps, exit only, this lane ends. i can board the freeway at my interchange, not change lanes, and deboard at the next interchange. it's pretty convenient for short trips but i never use it. well, until tonight. i tried it tonight but it seems weird to get on the freeway just to get off again. the freeway doesn't seem like other roads, you know? seems like a trip road, a long trip road... or at least a day trip road... or at the very least a trip-to-work trip road. i mean, not like a road to go from the house to the burger joint. i know because i tried it tonight and it's just not the road for that.

my car didn't like it either.


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