17 February 2013

post the thirty-seventh, 2013

we all know quite well we are going to die,
but we assume it won't be today.
we've got too much planned - go, see, do, be.
gotta work, eat, buy, learn, play.
but imagine a life a hundred years long,
in the end tired through and through.
not sure i'd want to live a hundred years, not sure...
what about you?


here's a question. what's the point of putting cremains into a secure container and burying them in the ground? although i don't agree with, i do comprehend the concept of putting a dead body in a decay-proof box and putting that box in the ground for safekeeping. as i understand it, the belief goes thuswise: when the world ends, the dead will be called forth from the grave to rise up bodily into the heavens. (i could have that incorrect.) and, so, that makes its own brand of sense. but, cremains, stored in a marble box which is sealed up tight then stowed into a brass box which is sealed up tight... what's the point?


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