15 March 2012

15 mar 2012

it is one of those crazy hectic days. even early, i know it is going to be tight, so i figure on running after work. just before the 10:00 meeting i realise i might have a window for running if the 10 gets over early but instead it goes long. it is raining, plus i have another meeting at 13:00 and need to prepare the agenda for that. fine. i had planned on running after work anyway.

i eat at my desk whilst preparing the aforementioned agenda, then attend the 13:00 which lasts until 14:00, then go to the 14:00 which lasts until 15:45. whew! finally done with meetings so i check my email and whatnot then think maybe i'll go run right now but it is still raining and i don't want to use a treadmill in the fitness center because i am sure someone will be watching the vandy-harvard game which i am tivo'ing. so i decide to simply go home to run there.

it is drive-yourself day in carpool, so i get in the car and drive myself. i get a few miles down the road and hear on the radio... the weather warning! thunderstorms! lightning! hail! flood! frogs! goats! clearly i am already in the car, bout as well make the best of it. when i am pretty much too far in to go back, but too far out to keep going, the conditions start to deteriorate. i think what is hitting my car just might be hail, but i am a little hail-shocked from the other day, so i am not sure, but if it is merely rain, it is still coming down hella hard so i pull into a shell station along with a bunch of other folks. we all sit in our cars under the awning for a good while. maybe 10, 15 mins.

things start to clear up so i venture back out, yet i still don't like the sound and force of that rain, so i duck under a sonic drive-in canopy. stay there another 10 or so.

things really start to clear up so i venture back out and although it isn't currently raining, there is a TON of water on the road. i mistakenly drive through a really deep puddle because my car is low slung and i live in the Land Of Giant Vehicles so nobody else is having trouble so i have no idea that i am going to be so deep in. thank goodness the car doesn't flood.

i get literally (and i mean l.i.t.e.r.a.l.l.y) 1.84365 miles down the road and the sky lets out again! i pull into the first place i see - the credit union drive through. another driver and i sit in our respective cars in our respective lanes for 15 mins.

finally, it really, really looks like it is stopping, so i venture out again, skirt another ginormous lakepuddle, and back on the road. this time, i make it all the way home.

i decide not to go running today. i know plenty of people would go, and would love it. and, i would probably love it if i got out there. the air is cool, the ground is soft. i am stressed and could do with some stress relief. but, it just seems like one more hassle. the wardrobe, the contact lenses, it's too dark to run in the neighborhood so i'd have to drive somewhere. i have had enough hassle for one day. i run for fun, so if it feels like a hassle, that sort of defeats the purpose.


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