05 March 2012

5 mar 2012

there was a story on NPR today about how the percentage of americans with at least a bachelor's degree is at an all-time high -- 30%. 30%?! are you for reals? that's our all-time high? seems a bit low to me, but of course, i come from a family comprising generations of folks who've obtained undergrad and graduate degrees. something that way less than half the folks living in america have managed to obtain turns out to be less than what's merely expected for this family. is this what they call privilege?

also, how can one word mean both "to be made of" and "to make up"... college graduates comprise 30% of america's population... america's population comprises 30% college grads. i am not even sure i am using it correctly, for that word has always confused me, and if it was covered in class, the attendance that day was not comprised of me.

when i googled comprise, this picture came up. it looks like those men are standing inside their instruments. that's pretty funny.


At March 6, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Blogger Jeff Edmonds said...

As recently as 2002, the *high school* graduation rate in our fair state was 59% (now 74%). Presently, 24% of us have college degrees.


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