29 August 2013

post the hundred-forty-seventh, 2013

hey, miley... i know you don't care what i have to say -- and you shouldn't. i mean, you should listen to people who know you, whose opinions you respect. and, i know it's your mouth and you can say what you want with it and it's your body and you can do what you want with it, but... well... this time? i wish you hadn't. not that you did anything "bad" or "wrong" per se. you didn't kill anyone, i mean, not anything like that. but what you did? it wasn't... well, it wasn't classy. it's a bit hard to explain because class has gone by the wayside these days, but when someone's in the public eye, as you are, there's a sort of unwritten requirement on that person's behaviour. oh, i know. "lindsay lohan". "amanda bynes". but, c'mon. do you really want to compare yourself to girls like that? anyway, like i said, it's not like you did something morally wrong, and i am not judging. i am not saying you should not have done what you did. no, that's not what i am saying. i am saying only this: i wish that you had not. i am... i guess i am just disappointed, is all. just wish you would have done something different. so, that's it, really. hope you're doing well and that you enjoy the weekend. yours aye - ace.


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