18 August 2013

post the forty-first, 2013

in weeding the front shrubbery beds this morning, i removed a good deal of shamrocks. if what we were trying to grow were shamrocks, we'd have a thriving business, but despite their reputation for luck-bringing, their hardiness, and their downright cuteness, they're not welcome. what i literally thought was, we're not cultivating shamrocks.

cultivating shamrocks.

huh. i like the sound of that.

first, it's ironic, because shamrocks aren't something that's cultivated. they just grow. what cultivation do they need? to be left alone, that's what. so, cultivation by neglect.

second, most of the time, they grow in an inconvenient place. they like to be right next to other plants, sort of tagging along on the nutrition, space, and attention the wanted plant gets. so, cultivation of the unwanted.

third, shamrocks are known as lucky, and who can argue with cultivating luck.

sometimes you'll get an idea about one thing while you're doing another. you'll solve a work problem in the shower, solve a homelife dilemma while you're swimming laps, solve a fitness question at work, solve a family issue while reading a book. some puzzles don't respond well to being continually noodled over. you have to put them aside and look away. while you're busy doing something else somewhere else with someone else, the answer is growing like a shamrock in the shadow of your brain and with a little luck, you'll recognize it and garner a life improvement.

so next time someone catches you staring off into space and asks what you're doing, tell 'em you're cultivating shamrocks.


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