13 March 2013

post the fifty-sixth, 2013

i've become accustomed to using google chrome. that's a web browser, in case you don't know. i don't even remember why i switched from IE, but it's been several months and chrome suits me fine. except... google and twitter had a spat, so google removed the twitter app from the chrome app store. the app i had still worked, so i wasn't too concerned about things.


i needed to share a spreadsheet at work and planned to use google docs (or "drive" as its now known) but i use my google drive for personal shit. i can't share it for work. oh, the humanity! then, i was like... hmm... wonder if i can have TWO google logins? well, kids, the answer is... [drum roll] ...yes! i got the work login all set up and things were all good.


i realised that i didn't have a twitter app on the new login's homepage. oh, the humanity! i went to the google app store to get one, and there wasn't one (of course). i desperately searched the internet for ways to create my own app. lo & behold, i am not the only one looking for this, and you can, in fact, quite easily create your own apps for your bookmarks. when i say "easily" - i mean, like, patty-cake easy. life was good again.


i got home and of course the extension wasn't in this instance of chrome. it was in my work instance. oh, the humanity! i scrounged around until i found the instruction page again, and whew, got the app re-created. i am thinking about creating apps for all my bookmarks - that's how easy it is. life is starting to feel manageable, organised, even... dare i say.... good.


i page past the helpful "create your own app" page and see that there are hundreds - nay, thousands! - of chrome tips and tricks and places i am falling short in my exploitation of all that is chrome. oh, the humanity! beyond THAT, i find more pages! websites filled with useful information about computer stuff and people stuff and house stuff and work stuff and life stuff that i never heard about, much less implemented - stuff, stuff, and more stuff stuffed in the stuffing of the stuff! it's everywhere! i'm useless and worthless and ignorant and ill-mannered and misbehaved and fat and ugly and... and...


i close the computer and walk away.


the humanity.


here's that page in case you're interested. it's truly simple.

highly recommended:



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