07 January 2013

post the seventh, 2013

there's a big football game tonight. do you know who's playing? i had forgotten, and there's some people coming to my house with pizza to watch the game. so, i am feeling like, OMG what kind of dolt forgets whether it's the college national championship or if it's an NFL playoff game or a college basketball game or what is this important game???? here's what you do - you ask, "who are we cheering for tonight?" and unless you've forgotten that your OWN team is playing--in which case you're a big loser and deserve whatever you get--that should do it for you. "who are we for?" will 9 times out of 10 result in an answer that tells you the sport. i mean, you have to know SOMEthing. but, okay, tonight for example. i knew it was football but couldn't remember if it were the BCS championship or something to do with the NFL, so i go - "who are we for?" and the answer is - "who do you think?" haha, no just kidding there. the answer is "whoever is playing against notre dame, although it's hard to cheer for bama." BOOM, there you go. BCS championship and i don't even have to admit i haven't a clue what's going on.


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