20 May 2012

20 may 2012

i know i told you i was a girl scout. sometimes i think you people are just not listening to me at all. i was a brownie first, then girl scout. the brownie initiation involved a mirror on the floor in a setup that was supposed to look like a pond which was way cooler than it sounds. badges, cookies, overnight campouts. i went to girl scout camp before i went to summercamp, and there we swam in a pool and slept in a big room with a linoleum floor and ate our meals in a lodge type of building most memorable for its infestation of stinging insects. one year i was a squadron leader or whatever the hell they call it, and that year, we spent one night in a cave, and what i remember most about the trip to the cave is that we took several candy bars apiece as energy food. i never sold the most cookies but i never sold the least. i always wanted to earn more badges but was unaccountably stymied and regret to this day my inability to complete the required checklists. on meeting days we would all wear our uniforms to school, so you always knew who the girl scouts were. once, my bff and i led the pledge of allegiance at a PTA meeting, and we wore our uniforms for that, too. we were supposed to spend the time after the pledge sitting quietly in the library until the PTA meeting was over, but we went instead into the boys' bathroom which seemed like quite the dare, but turned out it was just the same as the girls' except with these weird extra sinks.


At May 24, 2012 at 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant find the like button

At May 24, 2012 at 10:32 PM, Blogger ace said...

seems fair, as i cannot find your name.


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