16 May 2012

16 may 2012

star star
way up thar
i would put you in a jar
if you warr
down harr
stead of up thar

when it rains i like to go outside, jump in the puddles. you can't spend your life worrying about wet shoes.

you probably know a mr brown, mr grey, mr black, white, green, gold. but do you know a mr blue, mr orange, mr red, yellow, purple, bronze? who decides which colours qualify as names?

the portuguese word for peanut is amendoim. rotten peanut is amendoim podre. peanut butter is manteiga de amendoim. nutella is nutella.

if you think things can't get worse, you're probably wrong. if you think things are going to get better, you're probably right.

shepherd's pie isn't a pie per se, but more of a meat and vegetable casserole with mashed potatoes on top, with no crust, hence not actually a pie.

the movie 'the sound of music' is based on a true story.

choosing to stay awake through the night for a party is fun or for work can be rewarding. courting sleep that eludes you through the night, not so much with the fun nor the rewards.

why do so many of us live in box-shaped houses?


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