08 May 2012

8 may 2012

here are four things that are bugging the hell out of me. i mean, you could call them pet peeves but the whole "pet" thing makes it sound like a fluffy ball of fluff or somesuch... stupid. make that five things bugging the hell out of me. anyway, here goes.

"fify" - people think it is so funny to quote you on an internet message board or other such place and change your quote and put "fify" like they "fixed it for ya" as if they've improved on your quote or made fun of your quote or smashed their cuteness all over your quoteface or i don't know what the hell people are doing really because if you have something to say, just say it for crissakes.

pulling in front on a right turn - this is become rampant. what the hell people? if you are trying to make a right turn, wait until the coast is clear. i don't know how to make this any more simple: look to your left... is a car coming? well then STAY PUT YOU IDIOT. wait until the coast. is. clear.

inane email subject lines - i've said it before and i'll say it again: what the hell people? "question" is not a subject. "status", "project status", "checking in" - all also NOT SUBJECTS. c'mon. how about a little more info, such as what the hell project you are checking on. you think i have only one project going? hah! on the opposite end of the too-little-info subject is the entire-email-in-subject subject. "please stop by my desk when you get a chance." or "i have finished the files and can take more if you have some ready just bring them by my desk." NOT A SUBJECT LINE!

air quotes - what the hell people? c'mon.


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