post the hundred-sixty-third, 2013
two weeks ago, i bit down on a pizza crust and a sharp, metallic pain shot up from my jaw to my eye. hellooo??
well it calmed down and that was that. until yesterday when it happened again while i was eating an english muffin. ack!
i went to the dentist and he discovered i have two (count 'em two) cracked teeth. two! ack!
he sent me to the endodontist to be sure i didn't have nerve damage and need a root canal. all's well there. yay!
but still... cracked teeth. * sigh *
makes me feel old and fragile.
when we were kids, no one really taught us dental hygiene. we drank a metric shit-ton of milk and had them cleaned professionally a few times, but cleaning our own teeth on a daily basis just wasn't a priority. despite the neglect, my teeth were always strong, which i credit to the milk and genes i guess... althoughi don't think either parent had exceptional teeth.
anyway. here i am with two cracked teeth. and there's no telling how many are on the edge of fracture. it's part of getting old and just like most parts of getting old, it's about loss.
loss of some of the original equipment. loss of the time required to have the repairs done. loss of confidence in my body. loss of that place where the strawberry seeds always get caught... cause they don't build crevices into the crowns, you know. so -- that place where the strawberry seeds always get caught will be gone and that place has been a part of me since i got my big teeth in.
i'm just trying to say that what i'm losing by losing these teeth isn't only the teeth.
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