post the hundred-sixtieth, 2013
planes, trains, automobiles. i am in them all day, only to land in a hotel where you can't traverse the bed without hitting the wall and internet access comes at a price. walk the city, have some coffee, ride a subway, have some food, and so on till hours later and jonesing for the internet, i nomad to the starbux across the street. the coffee here - where they stay open till 30 mins shy of midnight - tastes 100% exactly like the coffee in my town where they roll up the sidewalks at 9pm. that is the beauty and the devestation of starbux. the devestating beauty. the beautiful devestation. now, at this moment, in this place, the music is loud and frankly, it sounds like a jackhammer which tells me i won't last till 30 mins shy of midnight. but i just had to touch base, make a connection, ping the outside world. here we are in the year of our lord 5774 and they are selling pings at a premium in a hotel with closet-sized rooms and a lobby full of japanese tourists. it doesn't have to be this way, people. it doesn't, i say! i should foment a rebellion on behalf of travelers whose pings are grasped in the greedy fingers of hoteliers, held hostage for a ransom of 4.99 per hour. i should. i really should. but i think not tonight... no, not tonight. the planes, trains, automobiles - they have worn me down. they have worn me sheer down.
and this is how the ping rebellion is shelved... but not forgotten.
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