10 April 2013

post the seventy-second, 2013

so, i was watching merlin off the tivo and the sitch was suchwise: first, merlin has a vision that mordred will be the one to kill arthur and he checks it out with the dragon and the dragon's all, yes. then, mordred comes to camelot and wins favor with arthur. mordred's a good swordsman, young, humble. merlin's concerned because of that vision he had about mordred but he can't tell anyone because visions are sorcery and sorcery is outlawed. i mean, merlin's a great wizard but he's also great at keeping it on the DL. so, a bunch of the knights including arthur and mordred go on a quest and merlin also goes because he is arthur's manservant. during the quest, mordred gets stabbed with an enchanted spear that was intended for arthur. they bring mordred back to camelot and gaius takes a look and says, all we can do is let him rest. (this is a trick by gaius to get merlin alone.) all the knights leave and gaius tells merlin that only merlin, with his magic, can save mordred. merlin says, how can he save someone who is destined to kill arthur. gaius questions merlin's harshness, but merlin says he can't ignore what the dragon told him. NOW. this is where i had to pause it and eat my dinner, so i am not positive, but i am fairly certain that merlin does some magic and saves mordred.

okay. so. mordred is fated to kill arthur. but, the enchanted spear incident happens in the cave of the disir (like, fates or something) while they are telling arthur that if he were a true king, he would recognize the old religion, i.e.: druidism and magic. mordred is also a druid. maybe i forgot to mention that. anyway, mordred also wants to be able to come out in the open with who he is, but when then disir hurl a poison spear at arthur, mordred steps in and takes the blow. why? why would he save arthur's life? i believe at this point he's good and that he has faith in arthur but being poisoned at the moment of wanting arthur to agree with the disir freezes this moment in mordred's heart and plants the seed that turns him against arthur when merlin awakes-cures him.

in saving arthur's life by taking the poison spear intended for arthur, mordred ingests the poison that turns him evil and eventually leads him to kill arthur. essentially, mordred saved arthur so that he could kill arthur himself, but he doesn't know this nor did he do it on purpose.

bottom line, you cannot escape your fate.


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