21 March 2013

post the sixty-second, 2013

the assignment was 10 miles, with a MP tempo on miles 5-8 if i felt like it. i knew 10 miles was too much to do during the workday, so i left it to after work. i am so used to running during the day that leaving it is always a little odd. i am generally not that into running after work, but today i was looking forward to it all day. weird.

i'm changing clothes and check the weather, and it's got 47º and sunny so i think i might be overdressed, but heading to the car i am freezing. that's the coldest sunny 47º i have ever felt. i drive over to the park and there are like 2 cars in the lot. weird.

today i am going to this local park that has a paved loop of just under three miles. my thinking is that i'll go around one and a third times (4 miles, warmup). that would put me on the backside between the hills. at least, that's my guess - i am not that familiar with the place. then, i plan to put in 4 miles doing up and back on the flatter(y will get you nowhere) mile on the backside, stealthily avoiding the hills. i do my 1-1/3 laps and i am not where i thought i would be. no worries, i will simply go forward 1 mile, then turn around and come back. nothing weird about that.

so i do one mile and it comes out way slow which i think is caused by the fact i still ended up doing the damn hill i was trying to avoid (gah!), but then i do another mile and it comes out way fast. a-ha -- the average is on target, so both miles are probably out of kilter. AND, so that's two tempo miles in the books and i am not tired at all -- am feeling like BRING IT. weird.

third mile comes out just right, goldilocks. fourth mile... well, fourth mile isn't merely "too fast" - it is RIDICULOUSLY fast. i know myself well enough by now to know i am capable of those speeds, but it's not like i can run that fast without feeling it. fairly certain the garmin is messed up. it lost signal a couple times during warmup, and although i was watching it fairly closely to keep myself from going too fast (ironic?), i could not watch it like a hawk. (like a hawk... would? i mean, doesn't it seem that you would watch something not like a hawk per se, but like a hawk "would"? weird.)

so, that's it. 4 warm up, 4 tempo. alls that's left is 2 hella slow cool down miles. or, maybe it was "deathly slow"? anyways, i leave the park and go a bit down the street. i am thinking it will be a half mile to point X that i have spotted out there, and then a half mile back but i get to X and it's like less than 4/10. weird.

i come on back to the park and finish 1.2 miles because i want to make up where i was short in the last mile of the tempo piece. yes, i am weird.

it was 47º when i got there (like i said) and went down to around 43º. i had on capri tights, a sleeveless under a long sleeve, socks and shoes. i skipped hat and mittens because it was fucking sunny and 47º!! but i never got warm, never sweated, just felt colder and colder. usually i warm up at least somewhat while i am running, so that was extremely weird.

i feel fine after, only cold. i stop for a snack and a chocolate milk and i get two G2s because they are "2/$3.33" or $2.49 per each. on the way home i drink the chocolate milk and eat the banana and protein bar and drink half the G2. home, i can't get to a warm shower fast enough, and finally, after warm shower, i put on soft warm clothes, and i feel snuggly and safe and warm and tired. and that's not weird at all!


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