31 March 2013

post the sixty-fifth, 2013

555.4 miles in 2013.
5455.4 miles in all.

poetic, that.

mid-june 2012, i decided i wanted to run on purpose, so i started running on purpose and set a nice base through the end of the year. in january, i started training for a marathon which will take place on 21 april. all this work, all this training. it's like a semester or two of school, and the final exam is coming in three weeks. there's a little more work this week and then that's it, just the taper and the event. i've never trained this hard for a marathon and now all i want is for it to be over. not the training -- the training doesn't bother me. i want the event to be over. it's like i said, like in school with exams. i hated exams - just wanted them to be over. the stress. the fear of forgetting what to say, what to do, forgetting everything you've learned. the risk of pouring yourself into something and getting nothing in return. i just want it to be over.


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