10 January 2013

post the tenth, 2013

the problem with ordering stuff online is that you can never be sure it will fit - geographically or philosophically. i mean, does it fit your body and does it fit your style. you can't see the details, the nips and tucks, how long the sleeves REALLY are. of course, it's easy to order online. sit on your fat butt on the couch and pick out stuff. it ALL looks good on the screen. then you get it and it's not quite what you thought it would be, but it's easy to just keep it, since it's already here and whatnot, and it's a comparative pain to return it. a lot of places, you can return stuff through the mail, but that's risky because you've already paid for it and what if the merch doesn't make it back to start? so you're contemplating keeping it, keeping something that's not quite right, keeping stuff you probably won't use -- but, that's how you get big piles of things that don't work, and i don't want big piles of things that don't work. in fact, i don't want big piles of anything, but if i HAD to choose, i'd choose big piles of things that DO work, but if i GET to choose (and i DO) then i'd choose small piles of things that do work. the problem is that it's very, very difficult to find things that work.


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