09 November 2012

9 nov 2012

i'll tell you about my running programme some other time. alls you need to know right now is that i don't run on fridays. usually i work out on fridays -- some light aerobic warmup plus a bit of stretching, core work, throw some tiny barbells around the fitness centre. but... some days i do not workout. today was one of those days. instead, i participated in one of my favourite occasional activities: walk down to the local grocery and buy a few whatnots. i only do this occasionally because it's no fun if you do it all the time.

the local grocery is one of those trader-joe-wannabe pretentious organic messpots. however? i enjoy that? occasionally. so i grabbed my reusable bag and trotted on down to the messpot grocery.

what's cool about that place is they've got some wacky shizzle. for instance - juniper berry soda? that's wacky. (it's behind the pear.) ginger mints in dragon-picture-emblazoned tin? wac-k-k-y. the brown paper sack is coffee and although coffee per se is not wacky, this is from a local company and the flavour is called "ridgetop roast". that has a ring to it, don't you think? ridgetop roast. sort of wacky.

of course, you can see there on the left, the maple pecan bars. they were about $5 per box, which seems high to me. is that high? are you high? anyway, maple. nuff said. yogurt is of course a tiny-fridger staple. i keep them way too long and eat them when they're way past their expiry dates. they're better that way... makes my coat shiny.

and, finally, some lime flavoured sparkling water and blue corn chips. not exactly out of the ordinary, but undeniably yumalicious. oh, and the pear. it was really very good and although billed as "organic" it wasn't all shrivelly like organic produce usually gets.

all this cost $25. is that high? are you high? it's not about the cost, though. it's about the adventure.


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