11 August 2012

11 aug 2012

i have a beef with Pretty Day.

75ยบ. sunny. gentle breeze. Pretty Day gets all gussied up and everyone goes wacko chanting "let's do something outside!" which is obnoxious enough but what's worse: "what a Pretty Day! you should be outdoors!" OMG! should? SHOULD?? has it become a crime to sit peacefully on the couch and watch rizzoli&isles? admittedly, they are no cagney&lacey, but watching them isn't so bad as to constitute criminal activity. (which would be ironic, no?)

Pretty Day is a diva. she shows up when she wants to show up and demands attention. have a picnic planned? sorry, Pretty Day cannot be bothered. been neglecting those bathrooms and really need to get them scrubbed? well, here's Pretty Day, come to flounce around with her mild temps and low humidity all up in your grille. step off, Pretty Day!

inside, outside, upside down, i just want to live how i want to live, to hell with Pretty Day. cry all you want, divapants, your rain clouds don't bother me. get all dolled up in your finest blue skies and bright sunshine, but don't expect me to care. i am not playing your games, Pretty Day! if i want to sit inside and watch television, by god i will!

stop looking so smug, Pretty Day. i say WHO and i say WHEN! i chose to sit outside today because i chose to sit outside today. it has nothing to do with you, Pretty Day. nothing at all!


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