22 June 2012

22 jun 2012

i go to the woods because i want to live on purpose, and by that i mean to focus only on the essential facts of life and see if i can't learn what life has to teach, because when it comes my time to die, i do not want to discover that i have wasted my life. i do not want to merely exist--life itself is so valuable! i want to live deeply and get absolutely everything i can out of life. i want to endure on the barest essentials so that all pieces of my existence that are not the true essense of life will be banished. i want to lay everything bare and drive life into a corner, reduce it to its lowest terms. and if, at its base, life is dirty and unpleasant, so be it, or if it is glorious and beautiful, so be it. i will experience first-hand the whole effect of it and expose its true nature, be it unpleasantness or the beauty, for all the world to see. i do this because most folks, it seems, aren't certain whether the force behind it all is destruction or creation, and being uncomfortable with uncertainty and wishing to ensure security, they've somehat hastily concluded that our prime function on earth is to worship the force of creation.


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