30 January 2012

30 jan 2012

it wasn't like there was sludge bubbling up or anything. i mean, there was just a lagging gurgle in the pipes - after you'd flush, say, or after you shut off a faucet. gurgle-urgle-urgle... low water in the back toilet. reluctant drainage from the kitchen sink. nothing determinate. but it had been a few years since we had maintenance done, so we called the poo pumper and out he comes in his tanker truck with the giant hose and a bumper sticker on the back says, "we haul milk on weekends". as amusing as he is, he is a better poo pumper than comedian, so he starts right in to get the job done. what he discovers is that pumping the hole is only half the whole -- there's a homicidal tree choking the poo pipe! stupid tree. stupid tree! it'll cost us a grand to reroute the line.

home ownership rocks!

[not the exact truck that came to my house]


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