26 July 2013

post the hundred-twenty-sixth, 2013

this just dawned on me. if you can plug your computer into someone else's television then log into your uverse account on the computer, you can watch your recorded shows on their television. this is cool if you've recorded a sporting event, movie, or even regular television show and want to watch it somewhere else.

we've been wanting to hook a computer up to our television and we even got the cables and we even have an old laptop that would probably do the trick. so, why don't we? ugh. why don't you. i mean, gosh, it sounds like a pain in the ass. pluswise, we get it all hooked up, what do we do with it? watch our uverse recordings? umm... we can already do that with the "receiver" that, you know, comes with the system? yeah, so...

(i realize this is boring, and sorry and whatnot, but i am just messing about until i have built up more lives in candy crush.)


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