01 June 2013

post the ninety-ninth, 2013

happy new month!

we went to the farmers (farmer's? farmers' ? farmers's?) market in town this morning for the first time. they've been there several years... why didn't we go before? ah, one of life's little mysteries.

today, junior and mrs junior were camping and would miss the opportunity to pick up their CSA for the week, so mrs junior offered it to us. yay! two things i've been meaning to try - farmers market and CSA. the window for their CSA pickup is 8-11AM so we headed over a little after 8. when we got there, the car park was already packed. we chose a spot a good ways away because most of the folks in this town drive giant vehicles whilst sipping coffee and talking on the phone with a dog in their collective lap. sometimes the dog's talking on the phone. anyway, we didn't want to have a tussle in the car park. (little known fact: "tussle in the car park" was to be the name of the rolling stone's third album, but their manager nixed it.)

after i'd circled the entire market twice then asked information, we found the CSA with no trouble at all. the farmers are friendly and helpful and showed us how to get the basket and choose the CSA items. after getting the CSA stuff, we went on to get: homemade hand cream, strawberry jam, eggs, sausage, strawberries, honey, and donuts. yes, nothing says "healthy homegrown food" quite like fried dough. i wanted to get homemade soap, fresh bread, a hanging plant, a crocheted owl-face purse, and this cute little wooden wolf from a wood carver who was sitting there whittling, but you know, you have to draw the line somewhere.

here's an observation: today's young farmer has, as a general rule, several dozen tattoos. well, it's the boy farmers more than the girls, but these young men were inked all the hell up and down their arms. now, don't get me wrong. i am young enough to appreciate some good ink and all the pictures and colours and what people decide is important enough to them to permanently emblazon on their body -- it all fascinates me. however, i don't associate farmers with tattoos. i associate farmers with yelling at or maybe even as much as despising people with tattoos. well, i mean... i just see the two groups as mutually exclusive. so, this was really cool to me -- cool to think these young folk are like: "we do this and we also do this" as if there aren't any boundaries at all.

no boundaries. huh. imagine that.


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