26 May 2013

post the ninety-sixth, 2013

yesterday we bought some outdoor plants and today we planted them. abelias. nandinas. monkey grass. some other kind of ornamental grass that's tall (switchgrass maybe). and one other ground cover that we thought we would like but now not so sure. oh, and 4 tomato plants for the neighbour. so? lots of planting. and while we were planting i thought, at various times:

-- the ground is sure dusty for having rained a good bit not that long ago.
-- if you were dropped in the middle ages with a weedeater, they'd not know what to make of you.
-- i am probably getting sunburnt.
-- does this count as exercise.
-- these new gloves are the bomb.
-- hope these plants will be happy here.
-- how does the weed killer know not to kill this weed-looking ground cover that i am so painstakingly planting.
-- i like the smell of dirt.
-- there are a lot of worms in our yard.
-- we have shovels and we have hoes. haha. hoes.
-- dead bush-branches can really damage your skin.
-- this place had lots of trees and they tore all that out to build these houses and now here we are putting things back in.
-- whistling while you work is difficult if you aren't a good whistler.
-- plants don't know they're ugly.


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