04 December 2012

4 dec 2012

in case you don't keep up with my every move, i ran a 5k last saturday morning. did pretty damn well, if you asked me, which technically you did ask me as you are here reading my blog. one of the threepointone miles i ran, i ran in less than 7 minutes. fast-forward to today - i was doing a running workout (because runners do workouts) and part of the workout was to run 1 minute hard then jog 1 minute, and do that 4 times. (i feel like if i am doing that right, i would cover a mile in that portion, but that's not my point here.) my point here is that i ran a couple of those 1 min pieces at a pace less than a 7 minute mile. of course, they were only 1 minute, so they weren't miles, but I THINK YOU GET MY POINT HERE.

it's not like i can run that fast all the time or sustain it for an extended period, but yeah, i can run that fast. oh, you want to know what it feels like? okay.

it's like hurtling through space, just on the edge of control. too cliché? okay... it's like, if a squirrel ran across my path, there's no dodging it - either me or that squirrel is going down. or, the both of us.


what it is, is... i am not completely in control of my body but at the same time i am completely in control. i am making my body do this amazing thing, forcing it into this tough place by sheer force of will - it's not a place my body would go of its own accord. so, here i am, with my body a puppet to my will, my body obeying my mind to the fullest extent... except... except... my mind has sort of created a monster, and who can control a monster?


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