20 December 2012

20 dec 2012

i could sit here all day, in this coffee shop, at this table, next to this window. outside it's greyish, blustery, misty wet. inside it's almost too warm... but here by the window there's a cool draft, and it's almost too noisy... but somehow all the various inane conversations taking place in this place are blending into a soft low tide. my ears are surfing the gentle ebb&flow of the soundwaves.

my hands are shaking just ever so slightly and i know it's a combination of caffeine and the ridiculous sugared confection they call "bagel & cream cheese" here. this is no tal bagel, i'll tell you that much.

i didn't run today, and over that, i'm caught between guilt and glee. it's half ha-ha, i'm playing hooky, and it's half, omg there's only a certain number of runs between the now-me and the out-of-shape-me. i am uncertain what that certain number is, but of that uncertain-certain number, i am spending one today. so there! take that!

(maybe i will go swimming later.)


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