23 October 2012

23 oct 2012

grapheme–color synesthesia and ordinal linguistic personification together explain why 1 is male. 2, female, 3 female, 4 and 5 male (although 5 has some feminine tendencies), 6 is a guy, 7 a girl (bit of a tomboy, that one), 8 and 9 and 10 are all male. january and february are male, march is a girl but april's a boy. may is female, as is june, but july is a guy. august is androgynous. september's a woman, october and november are boys, and december is somebody's grandmother. letters and numbers all have colours and also, personalities. 7 is a girl, she tries hard but can't always fit in, sort of a loner but not exactly lonely, has an apartment in the city. i am not shitting you. that is 7's story. 6 is a affable guy, lives in a small town, sits on several committees and councils, played football in high school, bit of a glory-days'er. 4 is trustworthy while 2 is shifty and secretive. 8 and 9 are a pair, what a handful they are! okay, i will stop, but see, that's how it is all up in here. and it's not just numbers and letters and months and days of the week -- inanimate objects get caught up in things too. that's why sometimes i am sad throwing things away. i am not a hoarder, mind you, but it's just that i'm sometimes concerned my grocery list will get lonely without me.

perhaps i have said too much....


At October 24, 2012 at 1:38 AM, Blogger dmb said...

I think my problem may be that I'm not concerned that my grocery list will get lonely without me, but that I'll be lonely without my grocery list...

At October 24, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Blogger MissTonay said...

Interesting. I have, more than once, felt a pang of sorrow for the chick pea that accidentally went down the drain when I opened the can and used all of his fellow-peas in a salad.

At October 25, 2012 at 7:51 PM, Blogger ace said...

okay, you people are crazy. jeez.


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