24 August 2012

24 aug 2012

does randy travis have an album coming out? first, he gets caught dancing nekkid by the side of the road, and then, two weeks later he's scuffling in a church parking lot. way to get your name in the papers, randy, my man!

speaking of names in the papers, this family of four was stranded at the SLC airport for five days. they had traveled from virginia to SLC on "buddy" passes which in case you don't know what's a buddy pass, it is the sort of pass an airline worker can hook you up with and it puts you at the bottom of the heap for getting on flights. you're after any sort of paying or regular standby passenger. (with buddies like that... haha.) anyhoo - i cannot believe these folks got to SLC from virginia with even a poor imitation of alacrity whilst utilising buddy passes and additionally am in no way surprised they had trouble getting home. i mean, i am sorry for them and all because five days is a lot of sink baths, but i am not convinced they explored all paths at their disposal or that we're getting the whole story here. for example, were they offered the option of splitting up into pairs in order to obtain seating? did they refuse to fly through dallas? why is that boy wearing shades? i think you see where i am going. please find out more and report back here ASAP. tnx.

speaking of stranded, this couple reports that they are stranded in their home. what a calamity! oh, the humanity! how can that be?? well, see, a bridge washed out and they have been stranded in their home for two years!! two YEARS!! huh? what? you said what -- they HAVE left?? um... yeah, turns out they are not actually stranded because they can get across the crick on their 4-wheeler and then into their car parked on the other side. so, not stranded so much as hassled. they have requested the county to build them a bridge and are putting up a big stink over it, and the county commissioners do not want to build the bridge and are stinking right back at them. now, i don't know for sure exactly how it's done, but i don't think getting contentious is going to help because from what i have heard, love can build a bridge.

speaking of love, hobos love me. not to be confused with bum or tramp, the hobo is a working traveler, riding the rails seeking honorable labor. these folk are on the whole a friendly lot, if you're friendly to them. i find favor with them, they find favor with me, and i fancy myself to be somewhat of a queen of the hobos. after reading this article which descartes sent to me, i can confidently state that i am qualified to be queen. after all, who would not want to associate with folks who have demonstrated such an admirable handle on the can/may differential.


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