11 April 2012

11 apr 2012

we have a few more years on our mortgage and we'll have it paid off but we have a ton of equity and we want to do a little work on the place. we simply don't want to wait until we've paid it off to enjoy it. interest rates are low right now so we're going for it. getting a little sumsum while the gettin's good. in order to get what's ours, we have to gather a ton of personal data - bank statements back two months, income tax returns back three years, paycheck stubs back 30 days, insurance disclosure, mortgage statement, social security, driver licenses. sounds like a lot but the longest part was making copies of it all. yeah, i know where the sht is. i can lay hands on our stuff. not a problem. however... i am the only one who can find anything. why? because my filing prowess has deteriorated to a stack-and-pile system. this is so not me. SO. NOT. ME. i am lucky to have some unscheduled hours coming up this saturday, and i am looking forward to getting things in order. i've got some hanging files and some regular folders and four colours of sharpie. i have binder clips and plenty of staples. tomorrow i am purchasing a couple filing boxes so i can archive some sht to the basement. it's going to be quite a day! perhaps it is not considered normal to look forward to a saturday of sorting and filing, but i never claimed to be normal, now did i?


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