08 April 2012

8 apr 2012

today is a major christian holiday - really, THE major christian holiday. although christmas gets more airtime, easter is the more key event. that jesus was born only becomes important in light of his resurrection, if you see what i mean. in a world of dime-a-dozen prophets, rising from the dead kind of separates you from the pack. was it nothing but a parlor trick designed to fuel a nascent political movement? perhaps. did the friends of a controversial and persecuted man stage his death so that he could run off to france with his lover? perhaps. was jesus's supposed death simply a bodily state beyond the knowledge of physicians of his day? perhaps. did he die completely and come back to life? perhaps. many things are plausible and many things are possible and some theories require more faith of their adherents but after all, this much is true: an event still having profound and global influence 2000 years after the fact is a momentous event, no matter how the details went down.


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