06 October 2012

6 oct 2012

a wise man once said - there is a dimension of the pure freedom of thought that pushes beyond justification, responsibility, necessity, and usefulness.

it's common knowledge that children need unstructured playtime and aimless action to learn how the world works, how the pieces fit together. why do we imagine it's any different for us grown-ups? we're so busy with our imagined productivity that we forget the productivity of imagining. thoughts which lie beyond application are deemed without value. aimless mental wandering without immediate purpose is condemned. we're just so damn consumed with Getting Something Done.

have you ever been struck by inspiration in the shower or while falling asleep? when we allow our minds to be free, they can surprise us by making connections over-here that we've been struggling to make over-there. a whole new insight comes when we get out of the way of our synapses.

somewhere between Getting Something Done and the inspiration in the shower is a place of mental play, where the mind is powered up, tuned in, and exploring. that's the place we don't allow ourselves to go often enough. without immediate payoff or innate justification, this place makes us uncomfortable... which is all the more reason to go.


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