01 June 2012

1 jun 2012

sure as the cicadas will sing in the long summer evenings, this time of year the running community dutifully trots out the discussion of running skirts. 80% of folks are harping about how running skirts look "stupid" and the other 80% are harping about how they look "cute" and all the ballyhoo is more about people in general and women in particular being hard-wired for bickering than it is about how anyone looks in anything. however, i know you've been waiting for me to add my 2ยข so here it is: running skirts are fcking sexy as hell.

last saturday out by the galleria there was a woman wearing a little pink ruffled number jogging along and - i kid you not - stopping traffic. literally. brake lights were lit. tires were squealed. horns were honked. all on account of a jogger jiggling her ruffly pink can down the sidewalk.

sweat. motion. the implication of easy access. don't act like you don't get it. you might not want it, but don't act like you don't get it.

when i put on my running skirt it is generally to do a bit of grocery shopping and whatnot, but if the occasion is running then putting on the skirt is not about looking cute and sure as hell not about looking stupid. it's me and my skirt hitting the road for a sweet little parade. i couldn't say that i have stopped traffic, but i know how i look.

fcking sexy as hell.


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