19 February 2012

19 feb 2012

i like to play tetris and i play it quite a bit -- nearly every day and sometimes several times a day. to get a tetris you have to blast four rows simultaneously and often when i flub and the first blast is less than four, i will trash that game and start anew. there will be hundreds, probably thousands, of tetris games in my life, so why should i carry on with one that has so clearly gone awry? there is no purpose in merely finishing a standard game.

once, i scored over a million points... just the once. i have gone over 900000 a few times and i am generally in the 800000-900000. i play at the highest speed and can peripherally see the next pieces in the queue. in the world of nintendo-ds tetris, i am an elite.

currently i am working on playing the piece that is given and not hitting the switch-out button. because i am working on this new skill, i am not scoring as highly, i am relegated to merely finishing, and i am often not even able to complete a game at all. however - because i am not giving up on a piece and just switching out for an easier piece, i am learning a lot about the pieces and ways that they can fit together. i am seeing the game in a new way and finding fresh amusement in something that, because i am so good at it, had become a bit stale. this work will make me a better tetris player and will make tetris a more enjoyable part of my daily life.


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